Sunday, March 1, 2020

A day with progress

This morning started with unloading the truck of the concrete mixer, wheelbarrow and septic tank. The electric poles and cable company did the finishing touch. We ordered an extra pole to get more stability on the lines. The work is finished now and they really did a great job. 

After that we went to organize pipes for the soak away field and a 1000 Liter water tank as well as garbage bins for separate waste collection. 

On the way back we ordered the roof panels to get more isolation and shadow for the Knock Down House (site office / temporary living container unit).

In the afternoon our brother in law came with his tractor to prepare the first main road on the land. On Wednesday sand and gravel will arrive to make a temporary road and to have some 'stock' of sand and small rocks to produce concrete. 

Dog Kadhow is more and more happy crazy. He jumps in the pond of the neighbors to cool down and plays with the cows. Also he starts stealing building materials. No need to walk with him. He enjoys (and rest a lot in the tent we made because of high temperatures already). 

Find some pictures of today. 

Frans Captijn

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