Monday, March 9, 2020

3 x Good news to share

A great and happy day today. 3 Times good news to share. 
1) The basic construction of our site office & living space arrived today! 
2) Our truck is registered and 
3) Pyramid House Thailand the first official air quality monitoring station for Surin on the world wide map of the AQICN organization. 

Early this morning we got a phone call the truck with the basic construction (site office & site living container) of the so called "Knock Down Home", arrived close to our “Pyramid House Thailand” construction site in Surin. The driver and his assistant left very early this morning for their around 600 km trip to us. 

Together Phatsamon (on the scooter in front) and I (on top of the freight) guided the truck with the container to our construction site. Sitting and guiding on top helped not to damage the branches of the trees close to the dirt-road and the construction part not to be damaged by the branches. Happy this was all successful. 

It took about one hour for positioning and directly we filled the joints between the foundation poles and the container with different steel plates and strong mortar to get the right slope in relation to taking a shower. It worked out great. Happy with the tools Rik sent me for Dutch bricklaying and joint filling from The Netherlands because they are not available in Thailand. I am used to work with that type of tools.
Kadhow discovered a new cool place under the container and is very happy with it. 

After that we went to the Transport office to get the truck on Phatsamon’s name and to get new number plates (of Surin province).

Coming back in the hotel we got a message from AQICN organization our request is accepted to get the first GAIA Air Quality Monitoring Station in Surin (Thailand) . The station is on its way and Pyramid House Thailand soon will be online of the real-time World Wide Air Quality map.

The working day ended with a cool beer, my love in my arms and... a nice full moon. 

Find some pictures of today.

Frans Captijn


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