Monday, April 15, 2019

New inspiration and energy are calling

There is a saying: “If certain doors close for you, other doors automatically will open”. That’s a bit the feeling that appears to me at the moment. An old seed germinating.

Being from origin (my basic education) an architect and constructional engineer, because of economical crisis in the eighties, I did not work a long time in this direction. I was happy to found great jobs after doing the Dutch Fire Service College. For over thirty-one years as a professional officer and commander, I worked in crises and disaster management functions. They were great opportunities and challenges. Constructional engineering only was a tiny little part of it. Basically, the first years working as a regional fire prevention officer. Raising in ranking till finally CEO in Health and Safety had not so much to do anymore with architecture and construction. We had specialists in our teams.

Living in Thailand, and giving myself the opportunities to ‘surrender’ to my callings, over and over again things happen to me in the flow of my life. Growing by sharing using my unique set of talents (as everybody has) and listening to their ‘voice’.

In many ways I feel my mom and dad and my personal guide working in and with me. Playful, grateful, quality and just do it. LIVE life and make yourself useful. Don’t just only hang around wasting your (life)time.  

Around this moment, actually on the way to deepen myself even more in spirituality, life- & talent coaching, the seeds (talents) of my basic education start to germinate.

I do not know what it brings, it feels good, so let’s explore.

Frans Captijn