Monday, July 18, 2022

First drafts of our main house to give an idea

To give an idea of our main house, Western Style House Ban Na Sam, we are designing at the moment just two pictures of two draft drawings of many we are working on. Many things still can change.

The North side idea of the house:

The ground floor plan: 

The first floor above the entrance will be an open (but covered by a roof with glazed terra cotta tiles) meditation/yoga space looking over the garden labyrinth and the two created pyramids. Around the house will be a sun/rain covered veranda. Rain water will fall into surrounding U-diches around the pavement to make. Inside and outside kitchen facilities and sliding doors between the inside living space area and veranda on stilts. 

Frans Captijn

Last developments before a short summer holiday

We changed our plans and decided, starting June 30th, to take a holiday at Mae Rim for a couple of weeks. During that time we will enjoy visiting several friends, take care of the house there and work on the drawings for the main house we want to build. Around 24 design and construction drawings we need to deliver to the Or Bor Tor. 

After being back we think we need about six weeks to finish the second pyramid and will start with the preparations of the main house to build. We hope we get permission from the local government to start in November this year. All together the building period will be around 2,5 years. 

Some pictures of the last developments of the second guest pyramid before we left. 

Frans Captijn