Saturday, May 18, 2024

Back on track

Yesterday afternoon we were 'back on track' again. 
All the pictures of this blog are made this morning.

Still we have hurricane damage to repair around but we will do that later. The house now gets our priority as well as direct needed maintenance because of for instance electricity damage because of ants-attacks. 

For the house we needed, to date, 184 new rooftiles. Some with only small damage and scratches, not causing leakage, we did not replace. We are still afraid new (thunder)storms will damage again. 
To close and totally finish the roof we need to have the May 10th ordered 240 new tiles. Hope they will come as soon as possible and... can be delivered. The road to our site for a heavy truck will give problems to reach us. 

We got the idea we installed nearly 5 roofs already now. Two pyramids and nearly three times on row, after the two heavy storms, the house ;). 

Several questions about our damage. Indeed, because the roof is not finished (tiles are screwed every other row) and doors and windows are not yet in, for the wind it's an easy 'game' to hit the roof with lots of pressure from the inside and create damage. 

So, I decided to go on working on the middle roof first now and try to close the window/door spaces with wood and/or put already at several places windows in. We succeeded yesterday afternoon already to close the front side with Shera wood planks. 

A bit a hard decision Phatsamon and I made this morning. We asked her brother to cut all the Eucalyptus trees around at the land. Be sure we will plant new, different kind, of young trees. 

The high Eucalyptus trees brought us shadow as well as a bit 'protection' against wind on the flat lands around. On the other hand, being too high, the storm breaks them into pieces and we got already several times damage of the metal sheet roofs of the control room/pump-electricity house, the workplace and the TED's. 

The roof of the TED's need to be renewed. My son Rik during the Dutch summer holidays will visit his sister in Australia as well as us in Thailand. Maybe we can do the TED's roof at that time together.

Fingers crossed these hurricanes are over so we can make progress again. 


Frans & Phatsamon

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