Saturday, May 25, 2024

A bit a change of strategy

Two heavy storms and lots of damage made us change our building strategy of the house a bit. 

As we told in the former blog already we decided to cut the high Eucalyptus trees around our site. A double feeling and maybe a bit 'tricky' decision. 
They give some shadow on the land and help to 'break' the wind and protect the constructions on our site a bit. On the other hand, the heavy winds show they are able to break the trees themselves and damage the buildings. 
We will plant different types (finally lower) new trees. 

The two already finished pyramids actually did not get construction damage. It was the heavy rains because of the tornado that was pressed inside trough the ventilation spaces and caused damage on the laminate floors.

Our main house is still under construction. Doors and windows are not yet in and the roofs are not finished. So wind uses the present structure to do a 'playful' and destroying game by causing inside air pressure through the open spaces. Lifting, blowing away and breaking, even screwed rooftiles. So far we had to renew 184 pieces and still discovered there are some more. We are waiting for 240 new tiles we ordered two weeks ago so we can finish the job of closing the roof. 
In the mean time we go on fixing the roof with the materials we still have. 

Last week we decided and Friday May 24 we ordered most of the aluminum windows and (sliding) doors. A special quality that needs to be ordered. This will take an extra week. Just to close already the prepared holes in the walls and to make it harder for the wind to play this game again. We just hope, in the mean time, no heavy storms will hit us. 

Normally in Thailand we place the windows at the end of the building process. This has everything to do with possible damage to the aluminum and the glass. We think we do not have another choice after our last experiences. If we should wait we are sure we will get lots of damage again because the rainy season started already. 
So we asked the company for this moment to place the windows but not to install the mosquito screens yet. They will come at the end. 

The wooden front frames and back sliding door we will temporary cover with wood to close during heavy weather. 

All together a lot of extra and unexpected work. Our holidays we intended to take in June need do wait. We need to finish the roof first first.


Frans & Phatsamon

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