Sunday, July 16, 2023

All together five truck deliveries and finishing touch now to our second guest pyramid.

Just at lunchtime today the last of a total of five trucks came to deliver two pallets of rooftiles. All construction matrials we ordered more than three months ago are at our site now. Tomorrow 6m3 sand and 2m3 gravel will be the last two things to be delivered. All on time because soon the dirt-road to our land will be hard to use. So far, maybe because of El Ninjo, we did not have too much rain (farmers start to complain). Happy the road was strong enough to carry the heavy trucks. 
We can go on.  

Like it seems now we need not more than around two weeks to get the second guest pyramid ready. Finally we are in the process of the finishing touch of this pyramid now.
Carpet is at some walls (actually in relation to comfortable sound absorbtion within), paintwork finished and interior lights installed. The stepladder for the bunkbed is ready and waiting to be installed. We did some final equalizing of the concrete floor and at the moment we are placing the laminate floor. 

Next week a company will come to measure and install the glass bathroom door. We also will put the furniture and a bathroom mirror in and put another clear coating on the outside brick walls.  

Phatsamon yesterday put the first plants around. Still small plants but soon, we know, much bigger and making the place even more attractive. It's nice to see the clouds mirroring in the glass rooftop of the pyramid.

Deliveries Monday afternoon July 17 2023

Happy dogs

Frans Captijn

Saturday, July 8, 2023

First material deliveries and electricity finished

Yesterday and today a truck with wall blocks came to deliver. Yesterday two pallets, today three. Because of the road conditions to our site the company decided to bring goods in small amounts so not too heavy for the truck to get stuck in soft soil or mud. 
Still we have several trucks to go but this is already great so we can continue. 

A second layer of Super Shield coating is at all walls and ceilings now,

We also finished for the second guest pyramid all the electricity. Outlets, switches, two wall fans, 18000 BTU airconditioning, emergency light incase of powerbreak, fire-alarm, bed lamps and wall- & ceiling lights. Everything working well. 

The ceiling top mirrors are in (this time happy without breaking one) and the Feng Shui crystal is hanging in the center. Spreading nice rainbow pots in the sunlight.
Glass and mirror for the triangle cornerlight is placed and can be installed. 

For now, weekend. 

Frans Captijn

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Slowly starting up and back on track again

Today we continued, after a stop of around 11 weeks, our building process. 
My back (herniated disk problem) has healed for 95% now. Phatsamon also is back on track after a serious injury at her heel. 
Happy I did not have to do a surgery. Special exercises in combination with lots of rest and also walking, nearly solved all the disturbances. Still 5% to go. 
During construction work I am wearing a back support now and am not carrying heavy loads for a while. And yes, getting older, my back problems showed me for some future activities we have to hire some qualified workers. 

Just last Sunday we arrived back in Surin again after around five weeks Chiang Mai holidays. We got nice and not too hot weather, clear skies and good air quality again (picture taken from the first-floor balcony). 

And although I did not need a surgery for my back, an ambulance had to bring me, getting into a shock, to the emergency room and the intensive care unit of the Lanna Hospital in Chiang Mai. Al because of a 'successful' attack of eight 'friendly' wasps during an early morning walk with our dogs. My 'emergency medicines' against my wasp allergy only work till max. three stings. It did not work quick enough and the amount of wasp poison was too high. Within ten minutes my body became a kind of itching red swollen balloon. I became dizzy and after a short while already could not stand anymore. 
Actually, I arrived at the hospital just in time because my red blood cells diminished oxygen transportation because of the wasp poison more and more. Thankfully I survived.
Working in the garden now I wear a beekeeper hat and have a kind of emergency medicine combination ready in case of. 

Back at our living and construction site we found nature took over. A kind of wilderness. We are in the rainy season now and with these temperatures all nature comes out of heat meditation after months. Phatsamon last Monday already started with cutting the grass. 
Surprise, another animal. A baby bird (we call him/her Beo) was sitting on top of TED's under the roof. Very friendly and we can even touch it. 

We received a message that the ordered wall blocks as well as the rooftiles for the house arrived at the construction material firm in Surin and are ready to deliver. That is great news and a couple of weeks earlier than we thought. 
On the other hand the (farmers) road to our site is very muddy again so the firm has to find a way and a dry period to deliver. We think it will be in some days. 

This morning I repaired an outside kitchen faucet and connection because it broke and was leaking. I also cleaned the air-conditioning at the first pyramid. 
Because of storm and rain a tree collapsed and fell on the roof of the workshop. I will cut it into pieces this afternoon. Happy I did not have the possibilities (because of my back problems) to repair the roof after another tree collapsed because of a mistake we made cutting it. So, I hope this week I can fix it in one time. Materials we already have. 
Unfortunately, the storm also caused our old tree, we got as a gift of Phatsamon's brother but did not make it, to break into pieces. Not sure what we will do but I am thinking of buying another beautiful old tree in a couple of years and plant it at the same place. 

Priority now is to finish the second guest pyramid. This will take us around one month we guess. Painting, wall carpet, laminate, bathroom door, and light and furniture installment.  
A Thai family member made and posted a short movie at YouTube about the pyramids of Thailand (as she calls them) in a couple of days 1600 views and enthusiastic reactions. Happy to hear that. 

So, we hope regularly again we can keep you all posted. Thanks for showing interest in our ongoing adventure. 

(June 2023 Balcony view house Mae Rim, Chiang Mai)

Frans Captijn