Friday, February 14, 2020

Truck appearance, safety, and our co-driver.

Driving in Thailand is different then in The Netherlands is my experience living and driving a scooter, a car and a short time now also a truck. 

On many places you see the sign 'Safety first' and it brought us to the idea to make the truck, especially in the evening and night, more visible. Also we wanted to gave it a small kind of 'face-lift'. Not changing the mini-truc in a way not allowed by Thai law and different than written down in the legal papers, but just in a way to show why we use this truck and where it belongs. 

On the picture the results. 

Dog Kadhow is fond of driving our private car. He has his own private space using the luggage storage space of the hatchback. Now he got his first experiences in the truck as well. Although you often see dogs sitting outside on the loading floor of a pick-up truck, I do not like him to be there. 
It worked out, being a more than curious (and spoiled) dog, he does not feel comfortable at all sitting on the floor.
So, he took the role being a co-driver and jumped on the seat. Not a problem in this second hand truck. 

Frans Captijn

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