Friday, October 18, 2019

Water and electricity

The nearest connection to the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) is about 310 meters. To connect in this way with the network we need to cross the land of our neighbor and to have an official signed paper to cross his land. 

The other way is to follow the so far 'dirt-road' what takes a much longer way. 
Happy the neighbor already agreed to cross his land. 

So we visited the PEA to get information and advise. The PEA allows us to install that connection by our selves or to hire an external company to install it for us. After that they check and will connect to their network with the electric meter.

Also water is not available. At the residences where I live now it is the same. We get our water by a well. Several homeowners use a filter to also use it as drinking water. I am used only to use this water (as most parts in Thailand) for washing, flush the toilets, taking a shower, watering the garden or wash my car. Drinking water we use from bottles. 
So if we start to build at the place we found we also need to have a well, drilling the way showed on this picture. We got already contact with a company and discovered we are allowed to drill at the land and use water for free. We got an offer from them including a pump to complete our calculation already.

Frans Captijn

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