Monday, September 2, 2019

New land opportunities

My girlfriend, when she was young, got from her parents a piece of land on her name.  
In rural Thai culture this is very common. It is a kind of life guaranty for a new born child. You can see as a guaranty for food (rice). Also her other family members have.

Most of the time this is farm land and to have the possibility to build on land this land needs to have a so called ‘Chanot’.
This is a so called ‘Land Title Deed’ issued by the specific Land Department that shows a person’s rights to land (ownership) and registered encumbrances. Foreigners are not allowed to own land and cannot be named as the owner of land in Thailand but they can be the holder of certain rights like lease, right of usufruct, habitation, etc., which can be registered in their name on the title deed.

The land of my girlfriend has this Chanot and there is a house on her land where her mother is living.
This land is not big enough to build the things we want and we do not want her mother to disturb living in the environment she already knows for the biggest part of her lifetime.

After visiting Ubon Ratchatani, her mother called my girlfriend to ask her why we actually want to buy land. As a surprise we discovered her parents arranged some other land with Chanot as well. More than big enough to realize our ideas. 

Somewhere the next months we will go and have a look and especially feel the energy.
In the mean time we go on developing, calculating and drawing.

Frans Captijn

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