We finished the steel framework (main beam structure) of the big 'middle' roof. Only some small anti corrosion painting work has to be done today. Because of too high temperatures we need to wait till around 5 PM because the steel is too hot.
Once I studied architecture and constructional engineering. These specific seeds and talents started to germinate again. We want to develop a small pyramid house project on an energetic spot. A main house with space for meditation and yoga, two separate guestrooms and a labyrinth in a nice garden. As far as possible, building with my own hands. Not in any hurry. It’s meditation, mind fitness and fun. This blog shares my feelings, thoughts and the process of developing.
Monday, February 19, 2024
Up to the higher roof and higher electricity capacity
We finished the steel framework (main beam structure) of the big 'middle' roof. Only some small anti corrosion painting work has to be done today. Because of too high temperatures we need to wait till around 5 PM because the steel is too hot.
Friday, February 2, 2024
Holidays are over. Just an overview of the present situation.
Yesterday Carlien and her boyfriend left to Australia again after being witness at our wedding and celebrate holidays together. Yesterday I also could arrange my visa extension till end of February 2025/2568. So, time to go on now and go back to our last four years 'regular' living pattern. Today we slowly start up our building activities again. During daytime it's already getting very hot so we will see how to adapt and make progress again.
Because Daniel brought his drone we also have a nice overview of the present situation of our activities. Thank you Daniel.
I published already some pictures in my former blog but this whole series make things complete. Be aware we are at the moment still in the 'cold' dry season so nearly all pictures show dry grass fields now. Starting May the colors will change in great green.
So, enjoy our present view.