Step by step we reach the finish of the first guest pyramid. We think another three weeks to go. Several materials and also furniture is ordered and on its way.
We painted the inside with a double layer of Super Shield in a very light color green (Glint of Green) and the flat ceilings in smokey grey. This coatings actually are used for exterior wall painting use and guarantee a fifteen year protection. Reason why we used this paint inside is that it is easy to clean and sustainable.
To create a better 'sound atmosphere' inside we glued carpet to the straight walls inside and behind the double bed and single 'floating' bunkbed. Also we bought already some (light green) special curtains to support a warmer sound.
Fire alarm (separate connection on the main switchboard and emergency power) and fire-extinguisher are in place. Also an emergency light (in case of powerbreak) is installed.
We fixed the wall-lamps. Everything working. Surprise was that normal (E65) lightbulbs did not fit so we needed to buy smaller lamps. Still a nice and warm effect.
We wanted to make the bed night lights in mirror and glass inside an aluminium frame. Maybe because I am a foreigner the company charged too much. So, for less than one third of the price I created the light myself with 15 mm plywood. It's an amazing effect.
As a creative idea behind the milk-glass mirror and in the flat wall behind the double bed at floor level I brought in a special natural air flow system. The top window of the pyramid has continuous air circulation (with mosquito screen) so ongoing airflow now is guaranteed from bottom to top. The amount of airflow must and will be enough for a nice inner feeling but does not disturb the air-condition system.
For the bunkbed we installed a wall mount ventilator with remote-control upstairs and downstairs. The bunkbed bed light can be switched on upstairs and downstairs as well. Switching the light on also switches on a lamp to light the stepladder (to be fixed).
A free standing extra ventilator is on its way.
The rest of this day we will celebrate Phatsamon's birthday. Kadhow already is in the mood.
Frans Captijn